Welcome to the Wetzel County Assessor’s Office website. We hope this website helps
you answer questions and assist you with your yearly assessment needs.
The goal of the Assessor’s Office is to assess all property, real and personal,
honestly, fairly and accurately. We strive to improve this every day and deal with
problems as they arrive immediately and effectively.
The staff and I are ready to answer your questions and concerns so please feel free
to give us a call at (304) 455- 8214 or (304) 455-8216.
Our office is open from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday - Wednesday and Friday and 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Thursdays
Scott Lemley, Wetzel County Assessor

News from Our Office
If anyone in Wetzel County has experienced damage to their home, business, or other structures on their property as a result of the most recent flooding, please contact the Wetzel County Assessor’s at 304-455-8216. We will need the owner’s name on the property, physical address, phone number, the damages, and if we are allowed to come on the property without you being at home or at your business. If you want to be at home or at the place of business when we visit, we will schedule an appointment. Please call between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday or on Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. The phone number is 304-455-8216. One of the field appraisers/data collectors will be visiting the properties. The names are: Ryan Baker, Mike Steele, Anthony Steele, and Mike Anderson. The employees will have identification with them. Please report anyone unauthorized to represent the Wetzel County Assessor’s Office to your local police department or the Wetzel County Sheriff’s Department.
- Appraised Values - Wetzel County Assessor, Scott Lemley, is providing notice to the property owners, citizens, and taxpayers in Wetzel County the July 1, 2022 appraised values for real and personal property are available for inspection. Click here for more information.
- Assessment Data Click here to search our assessment data.
- Land Books We now have our Land Books from 1985-2020 on our website.
Click here to view.
- GIS We are pleased to announce our interactive GIS portal. Click here to view.
- Map Cards We now have our map cards on our website.
Click here to view.
- Personal Property Forms will be mailed out by the state on or about
June 29, 2024 These forms are preprinted with the information you gave the Assessors
Office last year. We need the information to be current as of July 1, 2024. List
all cars, boats, boat trailers, campers, motorcycles, cattle trailers, utility trailers,
4-Wheelers etc. Cross out any equipment you no longer own as of July 1, 2024. This
form is for tax year 2025. The only money due with this form is dog licenses. You
can also now file your personal property form online. Click
here for Online Filing!
- Dog Licenses: All dogs in the county must be licensed once they
are six months old. Dog licenses are good for one year, from July 1, 2024 until June 30, 2025. The fee ranges from $3.00-$6.00 per dog depending on the district where you live.
- Homestead Exemption: Persons 65 years or older as of June 30, 2025
or those persons totally disabled can apply for Homestead Exemption. This allows
a $20,000 reduction on the real estate assessed value. It does not affect personal
property. You may apply for the Homestead Exemption from July 1, 2024 through December
1, 2024.